Cllrs. reviewing the Local Plan to Central Government Planning Reforms and Housing Need Numbers 02/08/24
Cllr Jeremy Newmark and Cllr Nik Oakley published an article regarding their response to the Planning Reforms and new housing need numbers put forward by the new Labour government on 30th July 2024.
It states "Cllr Nik Oakley, is now reviewing that draft to assess the implications of the proposed changes, which includes an updated housing need number of 959 new homes per year - up from 731".
"Key to our focus will be identifying opportunities to develop on ‘grey belt’ land to meet local housing needs."
Cllr Nik Oakley, added: “We must meet the challenges of delivering the decent and affordable homes that our communities and future generations need and deserve, whilst doing all we can to preserve the rural nature of our countryside.”
EBGBS very much hope they can find a way to build the truly affordable homes Hertsmere need whilst protecting our countryside.
Click here to find out more.
It states "Cllr Nik Oakley, is now reviewing that draft to assess the implications of the proposed changes, which includes an updated housing need number of 959 new homes per year - up from 731".
"Key to our focus will be identifying opportunities to develop on ‘grey belt’ land to meet local housing needs."
Cllr Nik Oakley, added: “We must meet the challenges of delivering the decent and affordable homes that our communities and future generations need and deserve, whilst doing all we can to preserve the rural nature of our countryside.”
EBGBS very much hope they can find a way to build the truly affordable homes Hertsmere need whilst protecting our countryside.
Click here to find out more.
Local Plan Consultation Closed
The HBC site states "The latest Local Plan consultation period has now closed. We will now carefully review all submissions received before preparing our draft Local Plan for public examination.
A comprehensive report of the recent consultation undertaken will also be published. "
A comprehensive report of the recent consultation undertaken will also be published. "
Thank you for reading the EBGBS leaflet!
There is much more information on this website on the Hertsmere Local Plan, the Green Belt sites included in the plan
and other Green Belt sites under threat in Elstree and Borehamwood.
If you have any questions please CONTACT US
and other Green Belt sites under threat in Elstree and Borehamwood.
If you have any questions please CONTACT US
FAQ about Hertsmere Local Plan
Campaign For Rural England (CPRE) Comments on the HLP
Please read as it includes valuable information
CPRE have provided a detailed response to the HLP - click here to read.
Cllr. Nik Oakley publically citicised their response - click here to read.
CPRE responded to Cllr. Nik Oakley as follows:
To explain briefly, we have taken the Reg 18 consultation document and added up all the totals of the red lined sites, including the big one at Bowmans Cross at 469 hectares, which makes up over two thirds of the total. Basically Cllr Oakley is saying that not all the land will be developed and of course that may be the case and we understand that fully. It also undeniable however, that land proposed to be allocated for whatever purpose will be released from Green Belt protection on adoption of the Local Plan, and that is really the main point we are making.
Cllr. Nik Oakley publically citicised their response - click here to read.
CPRE responded to Cllr. Nik Oakley as follows:
To explain briefly, we have taken the Reg 18 consultation document and added up all the totals of the red lined sites, including the big one at Bowmans Cross at 469 hectares, which makes up over two thirds of the total. Basically Cllr Oakley is saying that not all the land will be developed and of course that may be the case and we understand that fully. It also undeniable however, that land proposed to be allocated for whatever purpose will be released from Green Belt protection on adoption of the Local Plan, and that is really the main point we are making.
April 2024: WATCH THIS SPACE for further guidance on objecting to individual Green Belt sites
EBGBS are working on more detailed guidance on the reasons to object to each individual Green Belt site in the Hertsmere Local Plan.
The Green Belt Sites are:
Organ Hall Farm - click here (see page 18 of Local Plan Consultation Document)
Lyndhurst Farm - see below (see page 19 of Local Plan Consultation Document)
Edgwarebury Farm (see page 32 of Local Plan Consultation Document)
Edgwarebury House (see page 33 of Local Plan Consultation Document)
Land off Watford Road (was Cecils Horse Sanctuary) - click here (see page 31 of Local Plan Consultation Document)
Land North of Barnet Lane (East) (see page 16 of Local Plan Consultation Document)
Land North of Barnet Lane (West) - click here (see page 17 of Local Plan Consultation Document)
Land adjacent to Sky Studios A1
You can find full information on each site on the Hertsmere Borough Council website under
Local Plan 2024 Consultation Document .
Click on the Consultation Document to download. This page can also be use to respond with your comments.
The Green Belt Sites are:
Organ Hall Farm - click here (see page 18 of Local Plan Consultation Document)
Lyndhurst Farm - see below (see page 19 of Local Plan Consultation Document)
Edgwarebury Farm (see page 32 of Local Plan Consultation Document)
Edgwarebury House (see page 33 of Local Plan Consultation Document)
Land off Watford Road (was Cecils Horse Sanctuary) - click here (see page 31 of Local Plan Consultation Document)
Land North of Barnet Lane (East) (see page 16 of Local Plan Consultation Document)
Land North of Barnet Lane (West) - click here (see page 17 of Local Plan Consultation Document)
Land adjacent to Sky Studios A1
You can find full information on each site on the Hertsmere Borough Council website under
Local Plan 2024 Consultation Document .
Click on the Consultation Document to download. This page can also be use to respond with your comments.
April 2024: What Green Belt Sites are in the plan?
Brook Meadow
HEL 218 Organ Hall Farm 22/2140/OUT 6.60 hectares, 195 homes
Cowley Hill Ward
HEL 152 Lyndhurst Farm 5.20 hectares, 200 homes
Elstree Ward
HEL 274 Edgewarebury Farm 7.52 hectares, 100 homes
HEL 1011 Edgewarebury House 0.56 hectares, 20 homes
HEL 212 Land off Watford Road: Cecil Horse 2.28 hectares, 140 homes
HEL 197 Land north of Barnet Lane (West) 23/0053/OUT 3.00 hectares, 75 homes
Hillside Ward
HEL 209 Land north of Barnet Lane (East) 23/0937/OUT 12.63 hectares, 250 homes
Kenilworth Ward
22/1526/FULEI Adjacent to A1 Sky Studios 15.39 hectares, Employment
Two other Green Belt sites are referred to in the DLP:
Elstree Ward: Allum Lane Care Community 150 homes & Schopwick Surgery
Hillside Ward: Barnet Lane, opp. Morrisons Secondary School
April 3rd 2024: New Hertsmere Local Plan Published
The Local Plan is now available to view and respond to here.
EBGBS will be reviewing the plan, the Green Belt sites involved and advising members on their concerns in the near future. The Elstree and Borehamwood engagement events are not until early May but there will still be sufficient time to attend these and provide your feedback before 29th May 2024.
We had hoped the new Councillors would keep their promise of releasing less than 1% of Green Belt but this is not the case. Promise broken and aside from the Green Belt included in the plan much more Green Belt land is up for development.
Please keep referring back to this site, attend the consultation events and attend our AGM on 21st May 2024 at Allum Hall.
Herstmere Borough Council state:
You can have your say from today (3 April 2024) on the future of Hertsmere, with a public consultation on our new draft Local Plan now open until 29 May 2024.
The Local Plan matters to all of the borough’s communities as it maps out the strategy and vision for Hertsmere until 2040. It focuses on a number of key areas, notably housing and employment site allocations, and the revisions that have been made since the previous consultation in 2021.
These revisions include a 40 per cent reduction in the amount of Green Belt being lost and 9,400 new homes to meet our housing need - a fall of 22 per cent from the previous draft Local Plan.
To take part in the consultation, which will be open for eight weeks until midday on Wednesday 29 May 2024, please click the link below. You can also have your say by post by writing to Planning Policy, Hertsmere Borough Council, Civic Offices, Elstree Way, Borehamwood, WD6 1WA or by emailing [email protected].
How to respondYou can respond in one of three ways:
Consultation datesConsultation starts: 9am on Wednesday 3 April 2024
Consultation ends: midday on Wednesday 29 May 2024
A number of engagement events are being held across the borough while the consultation is open (all events 2.30pm to 8pm):
Tuesday 16 April: The Bushey Centre, Bushey.
Thursday 18 April: Shenley Park Chapel, Shenley.
Wednesday 24 April: Wyllyotts Centre, Potters Bar.
Thursday 25 April: South Mimms Village Hall, South Mimms.
Wednesday 1 May: The Radlett Centre, Radlett.
Thursday 2 May: Manor Hotel, Elstree.
Tuesday 7 May: Imperial Place (opposite Civic Offices), Borehamwood.
NOTE: every event will display the plans for all areas so if you are not available on the date of your local consultation, attend an alternative date / location.
EBGBS will be reviewing the plan, the Green Belt sites involved and advising members on their concerns in the near future. The Elstree and Borehamwood engagement events are not until early May but there will still be sufficient time to attend these and provide your feedback before 29th May 2024.
We had hoped the new Councillors would keep their promise of releasing less than 1% of Green Belt but this is not the case. Promise broken and aside from the Green Belt included in the plan much more Green Belt land is up for development.
Please keep referring back to this site, attend the consultation events and attend our AGM on 21st May 2024 at Allum Hall.
Herstmere Borough Council state:
You can have your say from today (3 April 2024) on the future of Hertsmere, with a public consultation on our new draft Local Plan now open until 29 May 2024.
The Local Plan matters to all of the borough’s communities as it maps out the strategy and vision for Hertsmere until 2040. It focuses on a number of key areas, notably housing and employment site allocations, and the revisions that have been made since the previous consultation in 2021.
These revisions include a 40 per cent reduction in the amount of Green Belt being lost and 9,400 new homes to meet our housing need - a fall of 22 per cent from the previous draft Local Plan.
To take part in the consultation, which will be open for eight weeks until midday on Wednesday 29 May 2024, please click the link below. You can also have your say by post by writing to Planning Policy, Hertsmere Borough Council, Civic Offices, Elstree Way, Borehamwood, WD6 1WA or by emailing [email protected].
How to respondYou can respond in one of three ways:
- For the general public, please respond through our new consultation and engagement hub (text responses only, no login required).
- For any consultees needing to upload additional documents or technical submissions please use the Objective consultation platform. (Please note this is aimed primarily at statutory consultees, developers and landowners and requires a login).
- By post to:
Planning Policy, Hertsmere Borough Council, Civic Offices,
Elstree Way, Borehamwood, Herts, WD6 1WA
Consultation datesConsultation starts: 9am on Wednesday 3 April 2024
Consultation ends: midday on Wednesday 29 May 2024
A number of engagement events are being held across the borough while the consultation is open (all events 2.30pm to 8pm):
Tuesday 16 April: The Bushey Centre, Bushey.
Thursday 18 April: Shenley Park Chapel, Shenley.
Wednesday 24 April: Wyllyotts Centre, Potters Bar.
Thursday 25 April: South Mimms Village Hall, South Mimms.
Wednesday 1 May: The Radlett Centre, Radlett.
Thursday 2 May: Manor Hotel, Elstree.
Tuesday 7 May: Imperial Place (opposite Civic Offices), Borehamwood.
NOTE: every event will display the plans for all areas so if you are not available on the date of your local consultation, attend an alternative date / location.
March 2024: Local Plan Announced
See the HBC website for details including signing up for email alerts.
The first details of the new Local Plan have been published on the HBC site:
click here for the Local Plan on HBC website
click here for the Local Plan document
The sites use 6.25% of our Green Belt land. A promise of "under 1%" was made before the local elections.
Arrangements for the public engagement, scheduled to start on 3rd April, include:
• A bespoke website with interactive mapping showing proposed site allocations with basic site information;
• The use of two consultation platforms (the Council’s new consultation hub for the general public and the bespoke planning consultation platform for uploading detailed technical reports) to enable a wider reach of accessibility and to maximise levels of community engagement;
• Staffed exhibitions across the larger towns and villages throughout the Borough, aimed at additional information sharing;
• A Local Plan newsletter insert in the April issue of Hertsmere News;
• An extensive Corporate Communications Strategy and;
• Publication and promotion on various social media platforms.
Following the public consultation launch on Wednesday 3 April 2024, it will remain open for eight weeks,
until Wednesday 29 May 2024.
The first details of the new Local Plan have been published on the HBC site:
click here for the Local Plan on HBC website
click here for the Local Plan document
The sites use 6.25% of our Green Belt land. A promise of "under 1%" was made before the local elections.
Arrangements for the public engagement, scheduled to start on 3rd April, include:
• A bespoke website with interactive mapping showing proposed site allocations with basic site information;
• The use of two consultation platforms (the Council’s new consultation hub for the general public and the bespoke planning consultation platform for uploading detailed technical reports) to enable a wider reach of accessibility and to maximise levels of community engagement;
• Staffed exhibitions across the larger towns and villages throughout the Borough, aimed at additional information sharing;
• A Local Plan newsletter insert in the April issue of Hertsmere News;
• An extensive Corporate Communications Strategy and;
• Publication and promotion on various social media platforms.
Following the public consultation launch on Wednesday 3 April 2024, it will remain open for eight weeks,
until Wednesday 29 May 2024.
March 2024: Extraordinary Council Meeting 20th March 2024 for Draft Local Plan
HBC have arranged an Extraordinary council meeting for Wednesday 20 March to discuss the publication of our draft Local Plan. It will start at 7pm, take place at Elstree Studios and, as always, you’re welcome to attend or follow the meeting via webcast.
This green and sustainable plan for growth matters to you and all our communities as it will set out the strategy and vision for the borough until 2040 and include the policies through which planning decisions would be made.
The 20 March meeting, and the opportunity to have your say which will follow shortly afterwards, will focus on a number of key areas, including housing and employment site allocations, and the revisions that have been made since the last consultation in 2021.
HBC will provide all the information needed on how to follow the meeting online and take part in the consultation nearer the time.
Click here for the link to the webcast.
This green and sustainable plan for growth matters to you and all our communities as it will set out the strategy and vision for the borough until 2040 and include the policies through which planning decisions would be made.
The 20 March meeting, and the opportunity to have your say which will follow shortly afterwards, will focus on a number of key areas, including housing and employment site allocations, and the revisions that have been made since the last consultation in 2021.
HBC will provide all the information needed on how to follow the meeting online and take part in the consultation nearer the time.
Click here for the link to the webcast.
October 2022: Consultation on Joint Strategic Plan
This is your chance to comment on our South West Hertfordshire 2050 consultation - ‘Realising our Potential’. This document sets out our draft vision and objectives for South West Herts to 2050.
You can view the document in full via the link below:
You can comment on the particular issues that matter to you, or on the whole document. Every comment matters.
You have until 5pm on Friday 4th November 2022 to let them know what you think.
You can view the document in full via the link below:
You can comment on the particular issues that matter to you, or on the whole document. Every comment matters.
You have until 5pm on Friday 4th November 2022 to let them know what you think.
15th February 2022: EBGBS Letter to HBC regarding the Draft Local Plan
Chair of EBGBS Ann Goddard has written to HBC and Oliver Dowden MP to explain our thoughts on the shelving of the Draft Local Plan and the way forward.
Click here to read the letter.
Chair of EBGBS Ann Goddard has written to HBC and Oliver Dowden MP to explain our thoughts on the shelving of the Draft Local Plan and the way forward.
Click here to read the letter.
27th October 2022: Hertsmere Call for Sites
The following letter was sent out by the HBS Local Plan Team as part of the Local Plan process. We are sharing this for information only.
From: Local Plan <[email protected]>
Sent: Thursday, October 27, 2022 12:01 pm
To: Local Plan <[email protected]>
Subject: Call for Sites 2022
Dear Sir/Madam,
We are seeking to identify sites for sustainable development to inform the preparation of our new Local Plan and are writing to you in order to ask your help in promoting our Call for Sites.Earlier this year, we decided to set aside the current version of our draft Local Plan following a period of extensive public engagement in 2021. Technical work is now underway on a new version of the plan, which can guide development and influence how the borough changes over the next 15 years.
One of the main themes which emerged from the public engagement on the draft Local Plan were concerns around the level of green belt development proposed and a need to focus development on previously developed (brownfield) land.
To assist us in considering additional sites for residential and economic development, in particular, we are contacting landowners and other stakeholders who may wish to promote further land for development. We are particularly keen to receive information about available previously developed land.
We are also looking to identify sites that could be suitable for Biodiversity Net Gain, Carbon Offsetting, flood risk management and other green and blue infrastructure to support sustainable growth. This will support our Interim Planning Policy Statement on Climate as well as our draft guidance on Biodiversity Net Gain, Carbon Offsetting and Sustainable Transport & Parking, which were recently issued for public consultation.
Potential development sites which are submitted through this Call for Sites will be assessed as part of a review of our Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA), a detailed technical report which was previously issued in 2019. Inclusion of a site in the report does not mean that it will be allocated for development or that planning permission would automatically be granted if an application were made.
More information can be found on the call for sites page of our website including our HELAA methodology. Submissions to our call for sites or on the HELAA methodology must be received by 12pm on 22 December 2022, by email.
If you require any further information, please contact [email protected]
Local Plan team
Hertsmere Borough Council | Civic Offices | Elstree Way | Borehamwood | Herts | WD6 1WA
t: 020 8207 2277
email: [email protected]
From: Local Plan <[email protected]>
Sent: Thursday, October 27, 2022 12:01 pm
To: Local Plan <[email protected]>
Subject: Call for Sites 2022
Dear Sir/Madam,
We are seeking to identify sites for sustainable development to inform the preparation of our new Local Plan and are writing to you in order to ask your help in promoting our Call for Sites.Earlier this year, we decided to set aside the current version of our draft Local Plan following a period of extensive public engagement in 2021. Technical work is now underway on a new version of the plan, which can guide development and influence how the borough changes over the next 15 years.
One of the main themes which emerged from the public engagement on the draft Local Plan were concerns around the level of green belt development proposed and a need to focus development on previously developed (brownfield) land.
To assist us in considering additional sites for residential and economic development, in particular, we are contacting landowners and other stakeholders who may wish to promote further land for development. We are particularly keen to receive information about available previously developed land.
We are also looking to identify sites that could be suitable for Biodiversity Net Gain, Carbon Offsetting, flood risk management and other green and blue infrastructure to support sustainable growth. This will support our Interim Planning Policy Statement on Climate as well as our draft guidance on Biodiversity Net Gain, Carbon Offsetting and Sustainable Transport & Parking, which were recently issued for public consultation.
Potential development sites which are submitted through this Call for Sites will be assessed as part of a review of our Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA), a detailed technical report which was previously issued in 2019. Inclusion of a site in the report does not mean that it will be allocated for development or that planning permission would automatically be granted if an application were made.
More information can be found on the call for sites page of our website including our HELAA methodology. Submissions to our call for sites or on the HELAA methodology must be received by 12pm on 22 December 2022, by email.
If you require any further information, please contact [email protected]
Local Plan team
Hertsmere Borough Council | Civic Offices | Elstree Way | Borehamwood | Herts | WD6 1WA
t: 020 8207 2277
email: [email protected]
26th January 2022: Hertsmere Local Plan Shelved 2022-2038
WHVG, EBGBS, EVPS, EBRA CPRE, HMWT, RSPB and EBTC were among a ‘staggering’ 20,000 objections received by Hertsmere Borough Council in response to their consultation on the draft Hertsmere Local Plan. At a full Council meeting on Wednesday 26th January leader, Cllr. Morris Bright announced that the plans were to be shelved.
Cllr Bright said, “Our residents have clearly rejected the Draft LP. Now the Council must reject it too."
Government targets of over 12,000 homes, 9000 on green belt, are unachievable.
Warning from Cllr Harvey Cohen, “Producing a new draft plan will take time. I advise now that we may not meet government deadlines for a local plan. We must expect opportunistic planning applications and we may lose some on appeal and end up with developments we do not want.”
Cllr Bright concluded, “We welcome the support of our MP Oliver Dowden. We will make it clear to Government who are the best arbiters of what is right for Hertsmere and its future are our residents and our councillors.”
To hear the full Hertsmere Borough Council meeting where the plan was discussed click here.
WHVG, EBGBS, EVPS, EBRA CPRE, HMWT, RSPB and EBTC were among a ‘staggering’ 20,000 objections received by Hertsmere Borough Council in response to their consultation on the draft Hertsmere Local Plan. At a full Council meeting on Wednesday 26th January leader, Cllr. Morris Bright announced that the plans were to be shelved.
Cllr Bright said, “Our residents have clearly rejected the Draft LP. Now the Council must reject it too."
Government targets of over 12,000 homes, 9000 on green belt, are unachievable.
Warning from Cllr Harvey Cohen, “Producing a new draft plan will take time. I advise now that we may not meet government deadlines for a local plan. We must expect opportunistic planning applications and we may lose some on appeal and end up with developments we do not want.”
Cllr Bright concluded, “We welcome the support of our MP Oliver Dowden. We will make it clear to Government who are the best arbiters of what is right for Hertsmere and its future are our residents and our councillors.”
To hear the full Hertsmere Borough Council meeting where the plan was discussed click here.
3rd December 2021: EBGBS response to the Draft Local Plan
About 10% of all Hertsmere Green Belt land is planned for development in the Draft Local Plan. This is a huge amount of our Green Belt to lose! We have to make a good case as to why this is not acceptable.
EBGBS have responded to the Draft Local Plan. Read the EBGBS response here:
EBGBS response to Plan
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Appendix 3
Appendix 4
We ask all members to respond to the plan. The more responses the more chance we have of saving all or some of the Green Belt land in the plan for development.
If any members have not responded you have until Monday 6th December.
Click here for guidance to members making their responses.
About 10% of all Hertsmere Green Belt land is planned for development in the Draft Local Plan. This is a huge amount of our Green Belt to lose! We have to make a good case as to why this is not acceptable.
EBGBS have responded to the Draft Local Plan. Read the EBGBS response here:
EBGBS response to Plan
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Appendix 3
Appendix 4
We ask all members to respond to the plan. The more responses the more chance we have of saving all or some of the Green Belt land in the plan for development.
If any members have not responded you have until Monday 6th December.
Click here for guidance to members making their responses.
10th November 2021: Statement by EBGBS regarding Local Plan
The Elstree and Borehamwood Green Belt Society will be heeding the advice from Campaign For Rural England (CPRE), The Countryside Charity. Chris Berry of CPRE spoke to an audience from action groups across the Town at Allum Manor on Monday October 11th. Representatives from Woodcock Hill Village green, Elstree Village Preservation Society, Aldenham Parish Council, Aldenham Country Park Trust Ltd, Elstree & Borehamwood Town council, ALFA, Well End Ers, Hartfield Ave Action Group , Solar Plant objectors, Mill Hill Society, Cowley Hill Objectors were all able to state their specific objections to the Draft Hertsmere local Plan and share with the rest of the audience.
He set out the objections and flaws that the CPRE have identified in the Draft Hertsmere Local Plan.
EBGBS agree with the CPRE that the Draft Hertmere Local plan has used figures that are excessive and out of date, as the latest projections show as slower rate of increase.
EBGBS agree with the CPRE that the Draft Hertmere Local plan has failed to make use of a government clause that allows Local authorities with a large amount of green belt to use a special formula to calculate housing need stating ‘The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) allows councils to limit land allocation where it is designated as protected, including Green Belt.’
EBGBS agree with the CPRE that the Draft Local Plan ‘greatly underestimates the likely changes which are already affecting town centres, out of town retailing and office use. The impact of the pandemic and social and economic trends will create many more opportunities for regeneration and reuse of land.’
EBGBS also agrees with the CPRE that HBC have failed to address climate change, particulary after HBC declared a Climate Emergency in 2019 yet the Draft Local Plan fails to take account the need for carbon reduction targets, transport provision, and related concerns.
EBGBS welcome Oliver Dowden’s Intervention and ask that he ensures that up to date figures are used and that the special formula is applied for local authorities with large amounts of Green Belt.
EBGBS welcome the statement by Michael Gove admitting that housing targets are out of date.
Approximately 10% of the Green Belt in Hertsmere is allocated for development – an unnecessary overprovision, that will change the character and appearance of the Borough forever.
EBGBS call on Hertsmere Borough Council to call a moratorium on their Local Plan until these new figures and the special formula can be used.
He set out the objections and flaws that the CPRE have identified in the Draft Hertsmere Local Plan.
EBGBS agree with the CPRE that the Draft Hertmere Local plan has used figures that are excessive and out of date, as the latest projections show as slower rate of increase.
EBGBS agree with the CPRE that the Draft Hertmere Local plan has failed to make use of a government clause that allows Local authorities with a large amount of green belt to use a special formula to calculate housing need stating ‘The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) allows councils to limit land allocation where it is designated as protected, including Green Belt.’
EBGBS agree with the CPRE that the Draft Local Plan ‘greatly underestimates the likely changes which are already affecting town centres, out of town retailing and office use. The impact of the pandemic and social and economic trends will create many more opportunities for regeneration and reuse of land.’
EBGBS also agrees with the CPRE that HBC have failed to address climate change, particulary after HBC declared a Climate Emergency in 2019 yet the Draft Local Plan fails to take account the need for carbon reduction targets, transport provision, and related concerns.
EBGBS welcome Oliver Dowden’s Intervention and ask that he ensures that up to date figures are used and that the special formula is applied for local authorities with large amounts of Green Belt.
EBGBS welcome the statement by Michael Gove admitting that housing targets are out of date.
Approximately 10% of the Green Belt in Hertsmere is allocated for development – an unnecessary overprovision, that will change the character and appearance of the Borough forever.
EBGBS call on Hertsmere Borough Council to call a moratorium on their Local Plan until these new figures and the special formula can be used.
9th November 2021: Article in Barnet Times
To read the Barnet Times article 15/10/21 Housing Secretary admits housing targets could be ‘outdated’
Article stated
The targets set by Government have been a constant discussion point and nationals have been reporting that even Conservative MPs in the south east have been pressing for a reduction.
Hertsmere MP Oliver Dowden says he wrote to Housing Secretary Michael Gove recently asking him consider whether his constituency's housing numbers are "up-to-date and appropriate".
He (Mr Gove) added communities should be able to push back against large scale housing targets near areas of outstanding natural beauty and green belt.
Meanwhile, at the Conservative party conference in the autumn, Prime Minister Boris Johnson indicated homes shouldn't be built on green fields..
Click here to read the full article from Barnet Times 9/11/21
Article stated
The targets set by Government have been a constant discussion point and nationals have been reporting that even Conservative MPs in the south east have been pressing for a reduction.
Hertsmere MP Oliver Dowden says he wrote to Housing Secretary Michael Gove recently asking him consider whether his constituency's housing numbers are "up-to-date and appropriate".
He (Mr Gove) added communities should be able to push back against large scale housing targets near areas of outstanding natural beauty and green belt.
Meanwhile, at the Conservative party conference in the autumn, Prime Minister Boris Johnson indicated homes shouldn't be built on green fields..
Click here to read the full article from Barnet Times 9/11/21
15th October 2021: Article in Barnet Times
Meeting held in Borehamwood to discuss threat to green belt in local plan
Article stated:
The Elstree & Borehamwood Green Belt Society held a meeting this week to discuss the threat to green belt land in the area.
Dr Ann Goddard, chairman of the Elstree & Borehamwood Green Belt Society, said: "Chris gave valuable guidance on tackling planning authorities and warned us that Hertfordshire and Surrey were the two counties which posed the most threat to green belt overriding legal restraints on building on it. He told us that every objection counted.
Click here to read the Barnet Times article 15/10/21
Article stated:
The Elstree & Borehamwood Green Belt Society held a meeting this week to discuss the threat to green belt land in the area.
Dr Ann Goddard, chairman of the Elstree & Borehamwood Green Belt Society, said: "Chris gave valuable guidance on tackling planning authorities and warned us that Hertfordshire and Surrey were the two counties which posed the most threat to green belt overriding legal restraints on building on it. He told us that every objection counted.
Click here to read the Barnet Times article 15/10/21
The Draft Local Plan (DLP) was published on 11th October 2021.
Whats in the DLP?
Comments on the plan can be submitted to Hertsmere Borough Council by 6th December 2021 via:
• Online consultation portal on the website
• Email to: [email protected]
• By post to: Planning Policy and Transport Team, Hertsmere Borough Council, Civic Offices, 3 Elstree Way, Borehamwood, WD6 9SR.
For further details of the plan follow this link
How do I respond to the DLP?
To respond to the plan follow this link
How long do I have to respond to the DLP?
A six week period was originally given to respond which has been extended by a further 2 weeks to 6th December 2021
What should put in my response?
Campaign For Rural England (CPRE) have published the following statement. We urge you to read the linked reports as they are invaluable in providing advice as to how to respond.
EBGBS will respond as an organisation but it is critical every single member and all your friends, family and neighbours respond as individuals. Make as many points as you can from very high level to site specific. All are relevant and all must be reviewed by the planners.
Please read carefully:
We’ve (CPRE) published our initial review of the Hertsmere Draft Local Plan.
Our Planning team has completed an initial review of the Hertsmere Draft Local Plan, it is available on our website
We will publish a more detailed technical report later in November well before the revised consultation closing date of 6 December.
It is important that as many people respond to this consultation as possible. Responses can be either via email to [email protected] or by post to Planning Policy and Transport Team, Hertsmere Borough Council, Civic Offices, 3 Elstree Way, Borehamwood, WD6 9SR, or alternatively via the Online portal on the website.
We have also completed an analysis of the proposed development sites. This has not been a straightforward task as Hertsmere Borough Council has not published a summary of all sites. We have written to them requesting that they publish a summary of all sites as part of the consultation. Based on our assessment, if the Local Plan goes ahead, it will destroy an estimated 1025 hectares of Green Belt land in Hertsmere. By comparison, across the whole of England 1750 hectares of Green Belt land were lost in the year to 31 March 2021. So, Hertsmere’s proposals represent a whopping 58% of all the Green Belt lost to development across England last year.
The Green Belt of Hertfordshire is at a critical juncture with 7 of the 10 boroughs in Hertfordshire in different stages of developing new Local Plans. In response to this we have increased our part time staff and the hours they work. If you would like to help us, please consider becoming a member or making a donation. Your money will go towards paying for our experts who analyse planning documents and utilise technical planning arguments to influence better outcomes for the countryside. You can find details of how to join us and how to donate on our website
Whats in the DLP?
Comments on the plan can be submitted to Hertsmere Borough Council by 6th December 2021 via:
• Online consultation portal on the website
• Email to: [email protected]
• By post to: Planning Policy and Transport Team, Hertsmere Borough Council, Civic Offices, 3 Elstree Way, Borehamwood, WD6 9SR.
For further details of the plan follow this link
How do I respond to the DLP?
To respond to the plan follow this link
How long do I have to respond to the DLP?
A six week period was originally given to respond which has been extended by a further 2 weeks to 6th December 2021
What should put in my response?
Campaign For Rural England (CPRE) have published the following statement. We urge you to read the linked reports as they are invaluable in providing advice as to how to respond.
EBGBS will respond as an organisation but it is critical every single member and all your friends, family and neighbours respond as individuals. Make as many points as you can from very high level to site specific. All are relevant and all must be reviewed by the planners.
Please read carefully:
We’ve (CPRE) published our initial review of the Hertsmere Draft Local Plan.
Our Planning team has completed an initial review of the Hertsmere Draft Local Plan, it is available on our website
We will publish a more detailed technical report later in November well before the revised consultation closing date of 6 December.
It is important that as many people respond to this consultation as possible. Responses can be either via email to [email protected] or by post to Planning Policy and Transport Team, Hertsmere Borough Council, Civic Offices, 3 Elstree Way, Borehamwood, WD6 9SR, or alternatively via the Online portal on the website.
We have also completed an analysis of the proposed development sites. This has not been a straightforward task as Hertsmere Borough Council has not published a summary of all sites. We have written to them requesting that they publish a summary of all sites as part of the consultation. Based on our assessment, if the Local Plan goes ahead, it will destroy an estimated 1025 hectares of Green Belt land in Hertsmere. By comparison, across the whole of England 1750 hectares of Green Belt land were lost in the year to 31 March 2021. So, Hertsmere’s proposals represent a whopping 58% of all the Green Belt lost to development across England last year.
The Green Belt of Hertfordshire is at a critical juncture with 7 of the 10 boroughs in Hertfordshire in different stages of developing new Local Plans. In response to this we have increased our part time staff and the hours they work. If you would like to help us, please consider becoming a member or making a donation. Your money will go towards paying for our experts who analyse planning documents and utilise technical planning arguments to influence better outcomes for the countryside. You can find details of how to join us and how to donate on our website