Elstree and Borehamwood Green Belt Society
1.The name of the Society is the Elstree and Borehamwood Green Belt Society.
2.The objects of the Society are as set forth in paragraphs (a) to (g) below and relate to the areas of Elstree and Borehamwood together with all neighbouring land the use or development of which may affect that area or its inhabitants.
a) The protection and improvement of the Green Belt and its rural amenities both for the recreation and enjoyment of the public and as a barrier against urbanisation.
b) Generally, to promote and safeguard rural and residential amenities and in particular to protect features of natural, architectural or historical beauty and interest.
c) To stimulate interest in the countryside and architecture, and vigilance in protecting them from encroachment and harm.
d) To encourage the preservation as far as practicable, of existing open spaces, whether publicly or privately owned and, in particular to support the principle of the Green Belt.
e) To urge that future development and building in the district shall be enlightened, seemly and planned with a view to the preservation of all existing beauties and amenities.
f) To oppose the disfigurement of buildings and other property and the use of unsightly notices and advertisements.
g) To co-operate for these purposes with local authorities and with bodies, both local and national, having objects similar to those of the society.
a) All persons who are resident in the Elstree and Borehamwood area and those elsewhere who are in sympathy with the Society are eligible for membership. Application for membership must be made on the form provided by the Society from time to time.
b) There is a minimum annual subscription of £5 per household, per annum. Additional donations are welcomed and encouraged in support of the work of the Society. Membership is due from 1st April and will be renewed automatically unless cancelled or payment is not received on or before the next AGM. Membership payment made on or before the AGM will entitle any person who has been a member continuously since the last AGM, to vote.
c) A member shall cease to be a member:
(i) Upon giving written notice of resignation
(ii) If the Executive Committee resolves that the continued membership of such member is detrimental to the interest of the Society; but such recommendation to the Executive Committee shall not be operative until it has been submitted to and confirmed by a majority vote of the members present at a General meeting of members.
d) All members are bound by the rules and any amendment thereof for the time in force and are deemed to have agreed for their name and contact
to be held according to the Society's Data Protection Policy.
e) Each member is entitled to one vote, after being a member of the Society for 12 months. In the case of an equality of votes the chairman of the meeting shall be entitled to a further or casting vote in addition to the vote to which they are entitled as a member.
a) The Management and administration of the Society shall be vested in an Executive Committee.
b) The Executive Committee shall consist of not less than 5 and not more than 15 members elected at the Annual General Meeting.
c) The Committee shall appoint its Officers.
d) The Committee shall have the right to co-opt other members to serve on the committee from time to time as may be required.
e) The Executive Committee shall meet ideally once a month, but as necessary to carry out the business of the Society and 4 members shall form a quorum.
f) The powers and duties of the Executive Committee shall include the admission or refusal of all applications for membership.
g) The Society is non-profit making. Any profits made are used to further the objects of the Society and not paid to the members as dividends.
a) The Officers and Executive Committee shall retire annually, but shall remain eligible for re-election.
b) An Annual General Meeting shall be held for the purpose of electing or re-electing members of the Executive Committee, and of receiving a report on the audited financial statement of the previous year and of transacting any further business placed upon the Agenda by the Executive Committee.
c) Further General Meetings may be called upon written request of not less than 15 members, or at the behest of the Executive Committee, which request shall state the object of the proposed meeting.
d) Not less than 7 days’ notice shall be given of all General Meetings.
e) A President and one or more Vice Presidents nominated by the Executive Committee may be elected at a General Meeting. These Officers shall not normally be subject to annual re-election. The President will normally preside at a General Meeting, but in his / her absence the Executive Committee shall make alternative arrangements.
The Society may be dissolved by a two-thirds majority of members voting at an Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting of the Society. If a motion for the dissolution of the Society is to be proposed at an Annual General Meeting or a Special General Meeting this motion shall be referred to specifically when notice of the meeting is given. In the event of the dissolution of the Society its available funds shall be transferred to, and the minute books and other records of the Society shall be deposited with, either the London Green Belt Society or one or more local charitable institutions having objects similar or reasonably similar to those of the Society as chosen by the Committee and approved by the meeting of the Society at which the decision to dissolve the Society is confirmed.
a) The Rules shall only be altered at the Annual General Meeting or at any General Meeting after giving 7 days’ notice thereof and the proposed alteration shall be submitted to each member.
b) Any matter not covered by the forgoing Rules shall be dealt with by the Executive Committee and its recommendations or decisions shall be submitted at the next General Meeting of the Society.
1.The name of the Society is the Elstree and Borehamwood Green Belt Society.
2.The objects of the Society are as set forth in paragraphs (a) to (g) below and relate to the areas of Elstree and Borehamwood together with all neighbouring land the use or development of which may affect that area or its inhabitants.
a) The protection and improvement of the Green Belt and its rural amenities both for the recreation and enjoyment of the public and as a barrier against urbanisation.
b) Generally, to promote and safeguard rural and residential amenities and in particular to protect features of natural, architectural or historical beauty and interest.
c) To stimulate interest in the countryside and architecture, and vigilance in protecting them from encroachment and harm.
d) To encourage the preservation as far as practicable, of existing open spaces, whether publicly or privately owned and, in particular to support the principle of the Green Belt.
e) To urge that future development and building in the district shall be enlightened, seemly and planned with a view to the preservation of all existing beauties and amenities.
f) To oppose the disfigurement of buildings and other property and the use of unsightly notices and advertisements.
g) To co-operate for these purposes with local authorities and with bodies, both local and national, having objects similar to those of the society.
a) All persons who are resident in the Elstree and Borehamwood area and those elsewhere who are in sympathy with the Society are eligible for membership. Application for membership must be made on the form provided by the Society from time to time.
b) There is a minimum annual subscription of £5 per household, per annum. Additional donations are welcomed and encouraged in support of the work of the Society. Membership is due from 1st April and will be renewed automatically unless cancelled or payment is not received on or before the next AGM. Membership payment made on or before the AGM will entitle any person who has been a member continuously since the last AGM, to vote.
c) A member shall cease to be a member:
(i) Upon giving written notice of resignation
(ii) If the Executive Committee resolves that the continued membership of such member is detrimental to the interest of the Society; but such recommendation to the Executive Committee shall not be operative until it has been submitted to and confirmed by a majority vote of the members present at a General meeting of members.
d) All members are bound by the rules and any amendment thereof for the time in force and are deemed to have agreed for their name and contact
to be held according to the Society's Data Protection Policy.
e) Each member is entitled to one vote, after being a member of the Society for 12 months. In the case of an equality of votes the chairman of the meeting shall be entitled to a further or casting vote in addition to the vote to which they are entitled as a member.
a) The Management and administration of the Society shall be vested in an Executive Committee.
b) The Executive Committee shall consist of not less than 5 and not more than 15 members elected at the Annual General Meeting.
c) The Committee shall appoint its Officers.
d) The Committee shall have the right to co-opt other members to serve on the committee from time to time as may be required.
e) The Executive Committee shall meet ideally once a month, but as necessary to carry out the business of the Society and 4 members shall form a quorum.
f) The powers and duties of the Executive Committee shall include the admission or refusal of all applications for membership.
g) The Society is non-profit making. Any profits made are used to further the objects of the Society and not paid to the members as dividends.
a) The Officers and Executive Committee shall retire annually, but shall remain eligible for re-election.
b) An Annual General Meeting shall be held for the purpose of electing or re-electing members of the Executive Committee, and of receiving a report on the audited financial statement of the previous year and of transacting any further business placed upon the Agenda by the Executive Committee.
c) Further General Meetings may be called upon written request of not less than 15 members, or at the behest of the Executive Committee, which request shall state the object of the proposed meeting.
d) Not less than 7 days’ notice shall be given of all General Meetings.
e) A President and one or more Vice Presidents nominated by the Executive Committee may be elected at a General Meeting. These Officers shall not normally be subject to annual re-election. The President will normally preside at a General Meeting, but in his / her absence the Executive Committee shall make alternative arrangements.
The Society may be dissolved by a two-thirds majority of members voting at an Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting of the Society. If a motion for the dissolution of the Society is to be proposed at an Annual General Meeting or a Special General Meeting this motion shall be referred to specifically when notice of the meeting is given. In the event of the dissolution of the Society its available funds shall be transferred to, and the minute books and other records of the Society shall be deposited with, either the London Green Belt Society or one or more local charitable institutions having objects similar or reasonably similar to those of the Society as chosen by the Committee and approved by the meeting of the Society at which the decision to dissolve the Society is confirmed.
a) The Rules shall only be altered at the Annual General Meeting or at any General Meeting after giving 7 days’ notice thereof and the proposed alteration shall be submitted to each member.
b) Any matter not covered by the forgoing Rules shall be dealt with by the Executive Committee and its recommendations or decisions shall be submitted at the next General Meeting of the Society.
Donation protection tool
The Membership secretary should complete the following Tool 6 : Know Your Donor questions on receipt of donations that are considered could be a risk due to their size and nature, and whether it appears to have suspicious characteristics.
Click here for copy of Tool 6
Click here for copy of Tool 6