June 2023 - Planning Meeting
Planning Meeting 15th June 2023
At the Planning Meeting on 15th June the motion to approve the application was voted for by 6 against by 4 and 1 abstention. This means approval has been given for the Commercial development on the land opposite Aldenham Reservoir to go ahead on the basis that the repairs to the dam will be funded, as will on going maintenance to the dam and reservoir for many years to come.
Oliver Dowden MP was outside showing his support to support the plans .
Message from Pat Strack 15th June 2023
Close call but the reservoir is saved. The committee voted to allow 22/2147/out to proceed to allow land south of Watford Rd to be developed so enabling money to pay for the improvements to The Dam
Thank you Debbie Hougie for putting our case so well. Thank you to David Lambert for imploring that this was the only way to Save the Reservoir for Caroline Clapper Jeremy Newmark and Paul Richards for their cross party initiative
The Planning team and Legal team at the Borough had thoroughly done their homework.
Regards Pat
Secretary ACPT Ltd
At the Planning Meeting on 15th June the motion to approve the application was voted for by 6 against by 4 and 1 abstention. This means approval has been given for the Commercial development on the land opposite Aldenham Reservoir to go ahead on the basis that the repairs to the dam will be funded, as will on going maintenance to the dam and reservoir for many years to come.
Oliver Dowden MP was outside showing his support to support the plans .
Message from Pat Strack 15th June 2023
Close call but the reservoir is saved. The committee voted to allow 22/2147/out to proceed to allow land south of Watford Rd to be developed so enabling money to pay for the improvements to The Dam
Thank you Debbie Hougie for putting our case so well. Thank you to David Lambert for imploring that this was the only way to Save the Reservoir for Caroline Clapper Jeremy Newmark and Paul Richards for their cross party initiative
The Planning team and Legal team at the Borough had thoroughly done their homework.
Regards Pat
Secretary ACPT Ltd
June 2023 - Letter from Ann Goddard Chair
Click here for letter from Chair
April 2023
Plans submitted
22/2147/OUT Erection of industrial/distribution units land south of Watford Rd.
22/2148/FUL Safety improvement works to the Dam.
EBGBS support the use of land south of Watford Rd for employment purposes provided the monies from that development for repairs to the Dam are legally watertight. Very special circumstances are demonstrated for using the Green Belt to en- sure the Reservoir can be secured and safe for future generations.
These applications were heard at HBC May Planning meeting but the decision has delayed to allow time for newly appointed Councillors following the local elections on 5/5/23, to study the application.
22/2147/OUT Erection of industrial/distribution units land south of Watford Rd.
22/2148/FUL Safety improvement works to the Dam.
EBGBS support the use of land south of Watford Rd for employment purposes provided the monies from that development for repairs to the Dam are legally watertight. Very special circumstances are demonstrated for using the Green Belt to en- sure the Reservoir can be secured and safe for future generations.
These applications were heard at HBC May Planning meeting but the decision has delayed to allow time for newly appointed Councillors following the local elections on 5/5/23, to study the application.
November 2022
This email was sent to local Councillors by Ann Goddard:
Dear Councillors,
I went to the latest meeting organised by Nitin Gosrani on 9.11.22 putting forward his proposals for the Reservoir and the Mere land on the opposite side of Watford Road. Savills, their new developer would build a business Park adjacent to Centennial Park and with the proceeds use £3million to restore and repair the dam without the need to drain the Reservoir and fund a trust or CIC to manage the Reservoir for public use .
We beg and beseech you to give this plan your approval as it could be the last chance to save the Res with all its community value and habitat value for wild life. Saving the Reservoir is in our view a very special circumstance that justifies building on the Green Belt.
We are also concerned about the destruction of hedges and trees on the Sky Studios site and hope that screening of hedges will be retained if, as seems inevitable, the second studio is built along Rowley Lane.
Best wishes
Ann Goddard. Chairman Elstree and Borehamwood Green Belt Society
Dear Councillors,
I went to the latest meeting organised by Nitin Gosrani on 9.11.22 putting forward his proposals for the Reservoir and the Mere land on the opposite side of Watford Road. Savills, their new developer would build a business Park adjacent to Centennial Park and with the proceeds use £3million to restore and repair the dam without the need to drain the Reservoir and fund a trust or CIC to manage the Reservoir for public use .
We beg and beseech you to give this plan your approval as it could be the last chance to save the Res with all its community value and habitat value for wild life. Saving the Reservoir is in our view a very special circumstance that justifies building on the Green Belt.
We are also concerned about the destruction of hedges and trees on the Sky Studios site and hope that screening of hedges will be retained if, as seems inevitable, the second studio is built along Rowley Lane.
Best wishes
Ann Goddard. Chairman Elstree and Borehamwood Green Belt Society
November 2022
Meetings to discuss future of Aldenham Reservoir
ACPT Ltd Committee and EBGBS Committee are pleased to announce that Nitin Gosrani (owner of Aldenham Reservoir) and his agent will make a presentation re the Aldenham Reservoir Application to HBC to reach solution that could save the reservoir for the public in perpetuity.
You are invited to a meeting on
Wednesday 9th November at Fairway Hall WD6 5BT from 2pm to 4pm.
October 2022
Meeting with Nitin Gosrani
Email to EBGBS members 18/10/22
Hi All
Reps from EBGBS, EVPS, ACPT Ltd, ACP Advisory Panel and EBTC were invited to meet Nitin Gosrani. Nitin introduced his agent Neil Rowley of Savile’s.
Neil presented the vision for the building on land at EMP3, south of Watford Rd to fund work on a new dam and investment in a fund for future work that may be needed at the Reservoir. A Community management team is proposed with Jewel of Hertsmere, statutory bodies and local Environment groups being involved.
In my view it was a very open and interesting meeting.
Various maps and costs were presented to us.
The Q&A was very frank.
All agreed thanks should go to the cross party team Caroline Clapper, Jerry Evans and Jeremy Newmark for bringing us much closer to a solution.
These proposals seem to address the situation for all.
I will send a fuller report asap.
Neil and Nitin have suggested other interested parties are invited to meeting where they can share their vision with you. I am awaiting some possible dates from Neil. Allum Hall has been offered as the venue.
Regards Pat
Hi All
Reps from EBGBS, EVPS, ACPT Ltd, ACP Advisory Panel and EBTC were invited to meet Nitin Gosrani. Nitin introduced his agent Neil Rowley of Savile’s.
Neil presented the vision for the building on land at EMP3, south of Watford Rd to fund work on a new dam and investment in a fund for future work that may be needed at the Reservoir. A Community management team is proposed with Jewel of Hertsmere, statutory bodies and local Environment groups being involved.
In my view it was a very open and interesting meeting.
Various maps and costs were presented to us.
The Q&A was very frank.
All agreed thanks should go to the cross party team Caroline Clapper, Jerry Evans and Jeremy Newmark for bringing us much closer to a solution.
These proposals seem to address the situation for all.
I will send a fuller report asap.
Neil and Nitin have suggested other interested parties are invited to meeting where they can share their vision with you. I am awaiting some possible dates from Neil. Allum Hall has been offered as the venue.
Regards Pat
October 16th 2022
Facebook notification by Cllr Caroline Clapper
Following on from the all-party motion concerning the future of Aldenham Reservoir, which was unanimously passed by all Hertsmere Borough Councillors last January, I am delighted to provide this latest update.
Following extensive positive talks with the owners, we are delighted to now be able to outline a joint action plan, to provide a sustainable long-term solution.
The intention of the original motion was to ensure residents had access and could enjoy the walk around the reservoir, and to get the water level raised so that users could enjoy the activities on the reservoir itself, including the return of the sailing club.
In our last update we reported that the owners had agreed with the County Council that the footpath will remain open for all members of the public to use. No gates or fencing will be erected and existing ones will all be removed by December. We are grateful that this beloved walking route will be accessible and preserved.
Since that update, the owners have commissioned and shared an engineers report with us detailing the works that would need to be undertaken to the dam wall, including the associated costs. This report has been examined, scrutinised and subsequently validated by the officers at the Council’s Planning Department. The engineers' report confirmed the need to have the water levels lowered in the interest of public safety.
A pre-planning application has now been submitted to the Council by the reservoir owners. These plans envisage an employment-generating scheme on the land backing onto Centennial Park, within the existing employment corridor. This commercial scheme will incorporate community benefit elements, including a possible community health and well-being hub overlooking the mere. We are urging the owners to make every effort to include a new NHS primary care facility. Part of the income from this development will be ring-fenced to fund ongoing maintenance and future repairs to the reservoir.
Secondly, a planning application for the remedial works to shore up the dam will also be submitted shortly. This will allow the water levels to return to their previous levels.
It is hoped that both of these applications will be heard by the Council’s Planning Committee early next year. The Council’s legal officers will be working on Section 106 agreements to provide the necessary assurances to ensure the required measures are enforced in perpetuity.
Thirdly and finally, a community focussed entity will be created to manage and maintain the site. This entity will be run by local representatives together with the owners. It will ensure ongoing engagement with local stakeholders to ensure the long-term sustainability and success of the Reservoir for generations to come.
Should these plans be approved, no development would take place on the site of the Reservoir itself. This is the preferred position of the owners, all local stakeholders and community groups.
As part of an interim arrangement before work on the Dam begins, the owners have also kindly agreed to allow local schools to paddle board and kayak on the Reservoir.
We must stress that both of these planning applications will and must be decided by the planning committee and will be subject to going through all of the proper planning processes and scrutiny. They will ultimately be decided on their own merits and all of the usual planning guidelines and constraints.
We feel this plan is a fantastic achievement that has been reached in less than a year since the all-party motion was agreed. It will end many years of angst and uncertainty.
I would like to thank Councillor Newmark for joining me in leading these talks and for all his hard work on helping us achieve this agreement. I would also like to thank our Planning Department at Hertsmere and Hertfordshire County Council’s Rural Estates Department who have given so much support.
I would also like to thank Councillor Ozarow and Councillor Evans who sat on the all-party group and Harvey Patterson, Head of Legal Services at Hertsmere Borough Council, for all their efforts on this matter.
I would also like to thank the Jewel of Hertsmere (the owners) who have come to the table with an open mind, a desire to move forward in a positive manner and a full understanding of the importance of this site to both the local community and beyond.
The owners will be consulting with all local stakeholders and will also be holding a community consultation mid-November. I would encourage all residents to attend and see the plans for themselves.
We are delighted at the progress that has been made and grateful that the owners have worked so closely with us to ensure an outcome that helps the residents and protects the future of the Reservoir.
Cllr Newmark and I will table a detailed update to the next meeting of Council, as per the terms of the cross-party motion.
Cllr Caroline Clapper
Following on from the all-party motion concerning the future of Aldenham Reservoir, which was unanimously passed by all Hertsmere Borough Councillors last January, I am delighted to provide this latest update.
Following extensive positive talks with the owners, we are delighted to now be able to outline a joint action plan, to provide a sustainable long-term solution.
The intention of the original motion was to ensure residents had access and could enjoy the walk around the reservoir, and to get the water level raised so that users could enjoy the activities on the reservoir itself, including the return of the sailing club.
In our last update we reported that the owners had agreed with the County Council that the footpath will remain open for all members of the public to use. No gates or fencing will be erected and existing ones will all be removed by December. We are grateful that this beloved walking route will be accessible and preserved.
Since that update, the owners have commissioned and shared an engineers report with us detailing the works that would need to be undertaken to the dam wall, including the associated costs. This report has been examined, scrutinised and subsequently validated by the officers at the Council’s Planning Department. The engineers' report confirmed the need to have the water levels lowered in the interest of public safety.
A pre-planning application has now been submitted to the Council by the reservoir owners. These plans envisage an employment-generating scheme on the land backing onto Centennial Park, within the existing employment corridor. This commercial scheme will incorporate community benefit elements, including a possible community health and well-being hub overlooking the mere. We are urging the owners to make every effort to include a new NHS primary care facility. Part of the income from this development will be ring-fenced to fund ongoing maintenance and future repairs to the reservoir.
Secondly, a planning application for the remedial works to shore up the dam will also be submitted shortly. This will allow the water levels to return to their previous levels.
It is hoped that both of these applications will be heard by the Council’s Planning Committee early next year. The Council’s legal officers will be working on Section 106 agreements to provide the necessary assurances to ensure the required measures are enforced in perpetuity.
Thirdly and finally, a community focussed entity will be created to manage and maintain the site. This entity will be run by local representatives together with the owners. It will ensure ongoing engagement with local stakeholders to ensure the long-term sustainability and success of the Reservoir for generations to come.
Should these plans be approved, no development would take place on the site of the Reservoir itself. This is the preferred position of the owners, all local stakeholders and community groups.
As part of an interim arrangement before work on the Dam begins, the owners have also kindly agreed to allow local schools to paddle board and kayak on the Reservoir.
We must stress that both of these planning applications will and must be decided by the planning committee and will be subject to going through all of the proper planning processes and scrutiny. They will ultimately be decided on their own merits and all of the usual planning guidelines and constraints.
We feel this plan is a fantastic achievement that has been reached in less than a year since the all-party motion was agreed. It will end many years of angst and uncertainty.
I would like to thank Councillor Newmark for joining me in leading these talks and for all his hard work on helping us achieve this agreement. I would also like to thank our Planning Department at Hertsmere and Hertfordshire County Council’s Rural Estates Department who have given so much support.
I would also like to thank Councillor Ozarow and Councillor Evans who sat on the all-party group and Harvey Patterson, Head of Legal Services at Hertsmere Borough Council, for all their efforts on this matter.
I would also like to thank the Jewel of Hertsmere (the owners) who have come to the table with an open mind, a desire to move forward in a positive manner and a full understanding of the importance of this site to both the local community and beyond.
The owners will be consulting with all local stakeholders and will also be holding a community consultation mid-November. I would encourage all residents to attend and see the plans for themselves.
We are delighted at the progress that has been made and grateful that the owners have worked so closely with us to ensure an outcome that helps the residents and protects the future of the Reservoir.
Cllr Newmark and I will table a detailed update to the next meeting of Council, as per the terms of the cross-party motion.
Cllr Caroline Clapper
January 2021
Compulsory Purchase Order Hertsmere Borough Councillors have written to HCC regarding a CPO of the Reservoir Click here to read the letter. Letter from Ann Goddard 04/01/22 Dear Editor, Elstree and Borehamwood Green Belt Society welcomes the proposal by Hertsmere Borough Council for a Compulsory Purchase Order for the Reservoir and constructive discussions with Liberty Land Leisure Ltd, the owners, for community ownership and access with sympathetic return of this valuable local asset to its former beauty. It is wonderful and heartening to see that there is all party support for the negotiations as this is a matter that transcends political difference. We could not have a better start to the New Year! Ann Goddard . Chairman Elstree and Borehamwood Green Belt Society. September 2021 Save Aldenham Reservoir Protest Sunday 26th September 2021 - 2.30pm to 3.30pm Please join Elstree and Borehamwood Greenbelt Society protest to get Liberty Lake Leisure and Hertsmere Borough Council and Hertfordshire County Council talking again. There must be a solution if the will is there on both sides. Click here for full details Thank you to all who attended. Click here for details of how it went. However, we are sad to say the water levels are very low. Please sign the Change.org petition and spread the word. Click here to find out more and support our petition. |

February 2021
A new kissing gate has been installed on footpath no 5 opposite what was The Fisheries, now Indian Restaurant, to improve accessibility.
January 2021
Hertfordshire County Council have informed us that the injunction to keep the gates open finishes in January 2021 but that the gates would stay open until mid February 2021.
November 2020
The Elstree and Borehamwood Green Belt Society, on behalf of local residents, is gravely concerned by the state of Aldenham Reservoir.
We want all interested parties to meet and have meaningful conversations on how the situation can be resolved to restore full, free and safe public access to all land, footpaths and water affiliated to Aldenham Reservoir, including the permanent removal of fencing and raising of the water level.
These parties being Hertfordshire County Council, the owner of the land surrounding the lake, Aldenham Renaissance, the company leasing Aldenham Country Park from HCC, Liberty Lake Leisure Ltd. (LLLL), the owners of the lake and Hertsmere Borough Council, the local Council authority.
Click here to find out more and support our petition.
Click here for a History of Aldenham Reservoir by John Cartledge
A new kissing gate has been installed on footpath no 5 opposite what was The Fisheries, now Indian Restaurant, to improve accessibility.
January 2021
Hertfordshire County Council have informed us that the injunction to keep the gates open finishes in January 2021 but that the gates would stay open until mid February 2021.
November 2020
The Elstree and Borehamwood Green Belt Society, on behalf of local residents, is gravely concerned by the state of Aldenham Reservoir.
We want all interested parties to meet and have meaningful conversations on how the situation can be resolved to restore full, free and safe public access to all land, footpaths and water affiliated to Aldenham Reservoir, including the permanent removal of fencing and raising of the water level.
These parties being Hertfordshire County Council, the owner of the land surrounding the lake, Aldenham Renaissance, the company leasing Aldenham Country Park from HCC, Liberty Lake Leisure Ltd. (LLLL), the owners of the lake and Hertsmere Borough Council, the local Council authority.
Click here to find out more and support our petition.
Click here for a History of Aldenham Reservoir by John Cartledge